Category Archives: News & Notice

Concerning win a case for the infringement trademark of SOOM

Thank you for loving our dolls. We’re glad to let you know that we won [...]

Insured Personal Information Protection Liability Insurance & Execution Personal Information Validity Period for Dormant Members

Dear, Customers. Our website, ‘Soom Emporium’ ( has insured the ‘Personal Information Protection Liability Insurance’ [...]

Website Maintenance Schedule – May 3

Thank you always loving our dolls. To provide you a more stable service, we are [...]

Notice for all members who have duplicate accounts.

Thank you for loving our dolls. We would like to notice our members who have [...]

Important information about renewal website

Thank you for using our shopping mall. In order to provide more convenience and useful [...]

Warning on Soom BJD Reproductions/Recasts

Dear SOOM fans, Hello SOOM lovers, we always thank you very much for your interest [...]