Thank you for loving our dolls.
We’re glad to let you know that we won a case for the invalidation of trademark rights by reproduction seller.
In 2018, we checked that a certain reproduction seller registered trademarks similar to SOOM in China and use the images of our dolls for sale. Also we checked that they are not only indiscriminately occupying our brands but a number of other Korean doll brand trademarks, and using the designs illegally.
So we formed a cooperation with the Korean Intellectual Property Office and in September 2019, we won the trial.
We sincerely appreciate to all customers of SOOM who have been participated in the eradication of reproductions through active reporting and purchasing of our genuine dolls.
Infringement and evasion techniques of the reproduction seller will be expected to become more tricky, so please be careful to avoid damage caused by them, and we promise you that we will counteract strongly through all possible measures for the reproductions.
Thank you.
The following cases are suspected reproductions, so you need to be careful.
– Selling dolls that are past the order period at all times
– Selling for less price than our price
– A website that exposes a copy of trademark registration similar to SOOM
– Dolls for sale in open markets
– A doll without a certificate or cannot be checked by online (Shortcut for Certificate of Authenticity)
* SOOM dolls are only sold on the official website ‘’.
* Reproductions are not guaranteed for warranty.
<Related news articles reported through major media in Korea on December 29, 2019>